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The project doesn’t necessarily represent the National Cultural Fund Administration’s (AFCN) position. AFCN is not responsible of the project’s content or of the way the project’s results can be handled. These are entirely the fund recipient’s responsibility.

Project implemented with the support of the Timișoara City Hall and the Local Council Timișoara.


On Housing

Collective Housing: In-between Product and Process

Three thirds of Romanians live in apartment blocks, which is much above the European average; more than half of the architects are involved in residential projects, while the majority of new developments consist of collective housing complexes. Therefore, housing is a topic of strong interest for Romanian society at large; yet, do we really understand the intricate mechanisms underlying the spaces we inhabit and the connections and disruptions that they create within the city?

Given today’s context in which mass housing has increasingly become a marketing product, intensely advertised and wrapped in the most attractive packaging, the exhibition ON HOUSING provides a critical perspective on to the various actors involved: administrations, developers, architects, and resident/ end-user.

The voices of these actors are introduced along two different lines: the informative one, which outlines dwelling as process, and the experiential one, which points to dwelling as product. An invitation to reflect on present and future perspectives on the quality of housing, this exhibition consistently refers to those defining moments from the past of collective housing and debates in a contemporary key topics such as the right to housing; individuality and community; the directions followed today by the architectural project; economic rationality; marketing vs. reality.

By bringing together scholars, artists, and experts, as well as by building on the notoriety of upcoming international connected events, ON HOUSING focuses, thanks to its interdisciplinary approach, on setting up a dialog between the actors involved in the production of housing. In the long term, the purpose of this endeavor is to help the residents themselves become increasingly involved in this process.

Curatorial team: IDEILAGRAM: Ilinca Păun Constantinescu, Tudor Constantinescu, Laura Popa-Florea, Iulia Păun, Alexandru Păun, Gabriela Belcineanu (architects), Ephemair: Suzana Dan (visual artist)
Research project: IDEILAGRAM, MKBT: Make Better (Ana Maria Elian, Bogdan Suditu, Ioana Nenciu, Marina Neagu ), Răzvan Zamfira
Exhibition content collaborators: Ana Maria Zahariade, Liviu Ianăși (architects), Bogdan Iancu (anthropologist), Dorel Niță (, VitaminA (architects)
Exhibition artists: Cătălin Crețu, Suzana Dan, Ioana Trușcă, IDEILAGRAM, Mnemonics (Romeo Cuc, Mihai Gheorghe, Irina Petra Gudană, Roxana Pop, Raluca Sabău, Vlad Tomei)
Exhibition design: Ideogram Studio
Graphic designer: Raymond Bobar, Gabriela Belcineanu
Infographics: Răzvan Zamfira, Gabriela Belcineanu
Communication: Vlad Odobescu
English version: Magda Teodorescu
Connected events: UrbanEye, MKBT: Make Better, Unde Locuiesc Eu, De-a Arhitectura, Aethernativ
Organizer: Timiș branch of the Romanian Order of Architects
Coordinator: Oana Simionescu
The extended team of organizers: Dragoș Nistor, Sandra Andrei, Ioana Stan, Alexandra Rigler, Simina Cuc
Production: Adrian Potra (contractor, Metropolitan Standard), Ciprian Furtuna (graphics production, AZERO), Liliana și Marian Arsene (graphics production, XDesign)
Co-financed by: OAR, AFCN, Primăria Municipiului Timișoara și Consiliul Local
Sponsored by:, BCR, Bega Group, Policolor, SINIAT, Austrotherm, Romanian Design Week
This project is produced by the Timiș branch of the Romanian Order of Architects and partially financed from the Stamp for Architecture.
The project coordinators and its curators expresses their gratitude to the people who made this exhibition possible
Host: Emil Cristescu (owner of the exhibition space)
Researchers, artists, practitioners present in the exhibition
Teams of organizers, construction and production
Architects and designers of the exhibition
The Romanian Architects' Union for the photographic archive
Photographers who contributed to the exhibition: Petruț Călinescu, Tudor Prisăcariu, Sandra Andrei, Tudor Constantinescu, Mădălin Nicolaescu, Bogdan Iancu, Andra Tarara, Tudor Arsintescu, Cosmin Dragomir, Ștefan Tuchilă
to the exhibition research, through interviews, materials and debates: Ciprian Cădariu (director, City of Mara)
Ovidiu Șandor (developer, Mulberry Development)
Radu Radoslav (architect, urban planner)
Dan Radoslav (engineer)
Smaranda Vultur (anthropologist)
Simona Adam (sociologist)
Antonia Rașovan and Daniel Tellman, Angela Jurca, Diana Borici, Laura Stan, the Mellish and Polea families (residents who gave us ample interviews)
Vlad Gaivoronschi (professor, architect, Andreescu&Gaivoronschi)
Claudiu Toma (lecturer, architect, Parasite Studio)
Andrei Șerbescu, Adrian Untaru, Rodica Dina (architects, ADNBA)
Paul Buchert and Rudolf Graef (architects, VitaminA)
Luminița Pascu and Radu Golumba (architects, StudioArca)
Răzvan and Daniela Negrișanu (architects, RDSign)
Adrian Erimescu, Tibor Izmendi, Daniel Crainic and Ciprian Gheran (
Dorel Niță (
Ștefan Constantinescu, Andrei Guțu (architects)
Irina Tulbure and Zina Macri (architects, UAUIM)
Liviu Ianăși and Simona Munteanu (APUR - Professional Association of Romanian Urban Planners)
Bogdan Iancu (anthropologist, SNSPA)
Ioana Ionașcu (Ministry of Public Finance)
Georgian Marcu (director real estate agency, Green Angels)
Teodor Mincu, Cătălin Găletușe, Cătălin Ioniță and Marian Oprea (Banca Comercială Română)
Eugen Pănescu (urban planner, Architects Council of Europe)
Gheorghe Pătrașcu (former chief architect of Bucharest)
Bogdan Suditu (geographer, MKBT:Make Better, Bucharest University)
Anuța Stan (ANEVAR - National Real Estate Evaluators’ Association)
Șerban Țigănaș (architect, OAR – Romanian Order of Architects)
Daniel Vâlceanu (MDRAP, Policy and Strategies Directorate)
FALT (Timișoara Tenant Associations' Federation)
Volunteers for assemblying the exhibition: Andrășel Nicușor Flavius, Aritoni Alice, Barabaș Sandra, Barbu Bogdan, Bîrlan Maria Magdalena, Boudi Alexandra Bianca, Bulat Diana, Bureșin Cristina Alexandra, Bușagă Denisa, Carina Cojan, Ciobanu Ioana Cristel, Ciosa Cristina, Crișan Marian Cătălin, Dem Anastasia, Enache Valentin Haralambie, Fatima Daoudi, Iagăr Bianca Alexandra, Lăpușan Julia, Lobonțiu Carina, Madru Andrei, Mareș Ariana, Moldovan Bogdan Dănuț, Muncan Nikoleta, Munteanu Paul Mihai, Mureșan Andreea, Nedelcu Loredana Andrada, Nistor Andreea Ramona, Palade Roxana, Pantea Alisa, Pau Dariana, Pauna Daniel, Pop Mihăiță Dănuț, Popa Laura, Postolache Nicoleta, Sergiu Fleșeriu, Stoia Andreea Florentina, Todoran Anda, Triponescu Andreea, Zbîrcea Iulia

Location Halele Timco
On Housing Exhibition
Location Halele Timco
On Housing Exhibition: tour with the curators
Location Halele Timco
Unde Locuiesc Eu – Guide launch for those seeking an apartment